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Betsy McCaughey

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NEWSMAX: Hospital Infections: Strategies to Save Yourself or a Loved One

When Betsy McCaughey was lieutenant governor of New York, she was horrified by the number of her constituents who complained that their loved ones had died from infections they contracted in hospitals.

WGBH NEWS: The Crisis Of Antibiotic Resistance: The Germs Are Winning

Pamela Woodbury lives in a two-story house in Spencer, Mass. Three years ago, Woodbury was on her way to work when she took a spill on her steps and broke her ankle. Surgeons at...

NEWSMAX: Race Baiting No Cure For Ebola

Seeing health care workers from the U.S. and other countries rush to care for Africans stricken with Ebola is proof of remarkable progress toward achieving color blind medicin